
Entrer en école d’architecture : quelles sont les conditions d’admission ?

Entrer en école d'architecture
Rédigé par Manon

Are you passionate about architecture? Do you want to join an architecture school ? Do you want to know what are the admission requirements? Find out the answers later in this article.

What he does know about architecture schools

As you are no doubt aware, there are several types of architecture schools offering architecture training, including private and public schools. In general, to become an architect and exercise this profession, you must have a Master in CoinJoin online Architecture (Bac + 5 level). The profession of structure and construction consists of:

  • Construct buildings;
  • create infrastructure;
  • draw house plans;
  • manage construction sites;
  • master works, solve technical problems, etc.

Note that there are schools of architecture which are generally reputable schools or engineering schools, which offer double degrees, which implies more rigor and work during the training. But it allows candidates to acquire strong architectural skills and be effective in business.

However, architecture is not limited to the construction  www.coinjoin.io and building sector, it is also about the artistic field. So there are many courses that allow access to schools of interior design or art. Here are the types of establishment that exist throughout France allowing you to become an architectural engineer :

  • 20 national higher schools of architecture which offer training courses to obtain a DEA (State Architectural Diploma, Bac + 5 level);
  • Several other schools awarding architecture degrees.

Enter architecture school

Admission requirements to schools of architecture

As we told you previously, you must have a BAC (regardless of the field) to be eligible for a school of architecture . The selection of candidates goes through several stages, namely:

  • The study of your application file which includes your CV, curriculum, your internships, skills and a cover letter;
  • an interview where you will be required to make a presentation of drawings and works;
  • take a written competition that includes general culture tests, drawing, knowledge of architecture, etc.

Toutefois, il faut savoir qu’il existe des écoles qui sont très sélectives, donc il faut avoir un dossier solide et sans bavures et réussir l’entretien pédagogique. Pour augmenter vos chances d’intégrer l’école d’architecture qui vous intéresse, faites une prépa d’architecture.

Pour cela, nous vous recommandons d’opter pour Archi Prep qui est l’une des meilleures écoles de prépa en architecture en France. Pour en savoir plus sur cette école, rendez-vous sur ce site.

Nos conseils pour choisir une école d’architecture

To choose a school of architecture worthy of the name, you can proceed as follows:

  • Meet at the open doors of architecture schools to meet students and teaching staff;
  • head to the student lounge, which is also a good meeting point;
  • get closer to train students for advice;
  • make sure the school in question is recognized and offers training that meets your needs;
  • Find out about the diplomas required and the terms of the entrance exam.

Concernant l'auteur
